Author Archives: admin

Are You Ready for a Change?

So I figured it is time to let this out for anyone who has the desire and
the ability to make this the Change they were looking for in their Life.

I am not here to Educate you but just to share Where and How you can Begin.
In the process, safe valuable time and money in false starts.

This is not a Get Rich Quick Plan!

But, it is a way to educate yourself on the ways to accelerate to manage and
build an account of money with the known skills of a CPA and Expert Investor.

So, if your able to Open your mind just for a moment and see past the
Haters and the Nay Sayers and the Doubters and the Dream Stealers,
then take a look at this short video.
Go to:

Coming Soon

Try Not to Grin…and listen for the question….

BTW if you don’t have any Nay Sayers around you, I’ll lend you mine. ;o)

Click, Copy and Paste in your browser
the Link Here:  Coming Soon

The Best part is that    You Control     your Future!

All The Best to You,
Steve Echols

PS: BTW, If you’re thinking I don’t have the time for this. I will forward to those that wish to purchase a little Bot an EA  Expert Advisor ( Robot piece of software that will take the trades you decide to accept and our Little Bot will make those trades for you and enter them for you) Whoo whoo!!!
Avoid going blind watching computer screens all day, let our little bot work for you.

It will make money while you sleep, or work or just can’t get close to the phone because your job or boss will not allow a phone where ever you’re at. The neatest thing I have ever seen!!!

How to Benefit Your Business on the Teamwork of Others…

How to Benefit Your Business on the Teamwork of Others..Today there is a new opportunity to discuss.

How many Businesses when they start up are in need of a Website?
Answer… All of them!

Why… Each business needs customers to survive. Without customers they will burn up the Cash and the Investment they started at the beginning.

Thus this creates a need…each business needs new customers and re-occurring customers.

If your thoughts are “but I haven’t the Training to assist these businesses” please set this aside for the moment. If this was the only reason not to serve these businesses then you now have a solution for your lack of Training. You need to experience the training available today that will set you on a track to exceed your own expectations! How? The same way a General Contractor offers sub-contractors the opportunity each with their own special talents, to build a custom home for a client. We have a Team of Experts like sub-contractors to assist you in your Venture. This is explained later how this model is used in the website industry…

Many college students were and are willing to pay enormous amounts of money to establish themselves as “experts”. Some to the tune of $30,000 to $100,000 for their student loans, that will take up to 10-20 years to payoff. In my humble opinion they were sold a load of Bull$h!& by the institutions that produce the image of success as a piece of paper to nail on a wall. Why do I make such a statement?

Well…How many College grads are now looking at the only jobs available on the Market are service related jobs that are low paying and have long hours. Or maybe they are in competition for a good job, only to be outgunned by the massive number of candidates for one position, some as high as 40 to 1.

Or maybe the nest egg you were building got wiped out in last down turn of the markets, and your about to Retire on pennies to the dollar… What do you do NOW? The good earning years have past, how does one go back in Time to redo the early retirement plan?

My point is this, education is important but one must be very selective. I challenge you to look at what is available for tons less in monetary costs and this training will provide skills that can be applied anywhere one lives on planet earth. (Exception to this statement would be a tropical island without cell service and the internet.)

Watch the Trusted Business Training Video

My suggestion to someone needing a change, is watch the

Trusted Training Video

 at the Link  just below and judge for your self.

Just a note: Pay no attention to the Goofy Guy on the Beginning of the Video he is a hoot though.

Watch the whole video…May be removed at any time without Notice……

For Additional Training Information

Choose to make this day end as a “Good Day” in your Business, what other choice do you have?

That’s all.

Stay Frosty!


How Much Does Belief Play in Your Success?

It is almost without question that in any Venture that is to be performed a measure of belief must be part of the equation. Freedom is a difficult thing to attain, therefore in all of us is the desire to have things that we would not normally possess if we stay in the current life path. Thus, a Belief system must be established to not only support your thinking processes but to also to allow us to start to tap into the reserves in the event a major negative event occurs.

Imagine if we all went to school but not believe we would pass a test or graduate, how many of us would offer to stay in class? Thus my point, we must have a belief that we will accomplish a task in all our endeavors or we may just give up on a task without even knowing how close we were to the goal. Many people will do just the same thing in a Business Venture. Some will say to themselves, oh I will go only thus far and then we will check our options at that time. In this scene the business owner may find he just doesn’t want to pay the price for his or her goal. One must not conclude a task is the same as a goal.

A Goal could be considered as a destination, where as a task could be liken to getting in the car to get to the goal like the Beach or the Mountains. Or if a car doesn’t exist then another form of transportation could be selected like mass transit. Thus one may not care for the task yet the Goal would still exist maybe not that particular task.

So as a Rule try to establish a Goal and then work as if you were seeing in reverse working backwards from the Goal thus we could set up the needed tasks to arrive at your Goal. By breaking them down you start to visualize your actions which if applied will result in certain benefits such as new Clients or Customers.

That my friend is just a basic belief tip to accomplish your task to reach your Goal.

Click Here for Additional Information

To Your Success.

Does Starting a New On-Line Business Guarantee Success?

The above is a valid question for any one who ventures to break out on a new chapter of their life.

Anyone who has made the attempt in the past has a real task ahead of them due to the many restrictions and requirements that need to be addressed.

Of course the necessary business identities and basic registration of a business entity is always a requirement in any venture.  Once the business infrastructure is established the need is to then focus on what your services and goods you will bring to the marketplace.

In any reputable business it is a must, that it brings value to the consumer and offers rewards to the end user either by a pride of ownership of that good, item or widget  or experience the advantage of the service that was purchased.

The basic business model is this: Find a need, then fill that need.  I will add to that “and try to make a profit while doing so”. If you have find a need, and do in fact fill it, then you have found a “gold mine”.

Any business in a start-up state will most definitely need exposure and traffic to survive and prosper.

So what we offer to our clients and customers are the training and the tools to do just that. We assist in expanding and directing traffic to your existing business and we also do the research or outsource it to find new markets for existing businesses. It’s a team effort and by making a sincere effort on your part will  increase your chances of success.

We want you to know, that even if you do all the things needed to be successful, There Are No Guarantees.  Time and unforeseen occurrences befall us all. We all bring a skill set to the table. There are always unknown variables. But anyone can use  good business tactics to leverage the odds in their favor.  We show you the tools to do just that. The easiest tool today are videos and blogs, as you will see below.  So, if you’re truly interested in an on-line business, we suggest you start now, by learning what your going to need.

And, Stop Doing Things that Don’t Work!!!

Click Here for Additional Information


To Your Success,

Steve Echols, Consultant

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